Calendar is on the Outline menu. Calendar creates an automatic calendar in your outline. The calendar can cover any span of time. Each day can have time slots at intervals selected by you. The dates and times will appear in the current formats of the Time Stamp and Date Stamp commands on the Edit menu.
When you choose Calendar from the Outline menu, MORE displays a Calendar window with the following options:
Calendar A calendar of the current month with today’s date highlighted appears to the left of the Calendar window. Below the calendar is a list of months in the year and the last two digits of the previous and next year.
Dates Contains spaces for a range of dates. The preset values for the From and To dates is the current date. As you drag the mouse pointer through the days in the Calendar, the dates change accordingly.
Time Sets the range of beginning and ending time slots in the calendar and the interval (by hour, half hour, and so on) for the ranges of time slots. The preset value for From: is 9:00 AM, the preset value for To: is 5:00 PM, and the preset value for Interval is 30 min. To change any of these values, click inside the box and type another time.
Make Calendar Outline When you have set the dates, times, and intervals as desired, click this button to insert a calendar in your outline.